сторінка 117 вправа 9 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Буренко 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Буренко

Відповідь до p. 117 ex. 9:

1. The college's weekend course is for grown-ups.
A. children.
B. people of all ages.
C. grown-ups.
2. Those who sign up for the course have some basic knowledge of Spanish.
A. are beginners.
B. have some basic knowledge of Spanish.
C. speak fluent Spanish.
3. In class students speak Spanish.
A. speak their native language.
B. speak Spanish.
C. speak both languages.
4. Students learn Spanish to communicate in the language both for business and pleasure.
A. to appreciate Spanish traditions and culture.
B. to improve grammar and vocabulary.
C. to communicate in the language both for business and pleasure.
5. The atmosphere at the lessons is easy-going.
A. easy-going.
B. embarrassing.
C. formal.