сторінка 146 вправа 3 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Калініна 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Калініна

Відповідь ГДЗ до p. 146 ex. 3:

1. - Do you need a guide book?
- No, I don't. We have got one at home.
2. - My friends wanted to buy a sleeping bag.
- But they have got one already.
3. - Have you heard about the traveller James Cook?
- Is he the one who discovered Australia?
4. - Isn't this picnic site wonderful?
- The one at the lake is much better.
5. - Unfortunately, I've lost our tickets to the National reserve.
- I think you'll have to by new ones.
6. - Have you seen a new exhibition?
- Is that the one on travelling equipment?