сторінка 20 вправа 3 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Калініна 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Калініна

Відповідь ГДЗ до p. 20 ex. 3:

1. Helen doesn't have many friends, so she often stays at home alone. →
If Helen have many friends, she wouldn't often stay at home alone.
2. I rely on my parents because I trust them. →
If I didn't rely on my parents, I wouldn't trust them.
3. We heard Alice out so that we could help her. →
If we heard Alice, we could help her.
4. I don't often argue with my parents because they always support me. →
If my parents parents often argue with me we wouldn’t support each other.
5. Ann likes to socialize with her friends because they are very supportive. →
If Ann's friends like to socialize, she wouldn't be very supportive.
6. My elder brother is very understanding, he sees life through my eyes. →
If my brother were very understanding, he would see life through my eyes.
7. I'm not on friendly terms with my family members, so we don't get along. →
If I were on friendly terms with my family members, I would get along with them.
8. The children started to argue, so we stopped discussing the question. →
If children started to argue, we would stop discussing the question.