сторінка 127 вправа 1 level 2 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Кучма 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Кучма

Відповідь ГДЗ до p. 127 ex. 1 level 2:

1. Road vehicles include cars, buses, and trucks.
a) manufactures
b) vehicles
c) equipment
d) devices
2. Do not consume processed meats as it may harm your health.
a) manufactured
b) processed
c) produced
d) agricultural
3. The government has been unable to deal with the economic crisis.
a) establish
b) emerge
c) to deal with
d) to deal at
4. Truskavets is a famous resort in Western Ukraine where thousands of people come to rest every year.
a) resort
b) hub
c) rail junction
d) industrial centre