сторінка 122 вправа 1 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Морська 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Морська

Відповідь до p. 122 ex. 1:

Part I.
Generally, indoor plants will flourish with the minimum of care. The most common mistakes that owners make is to water their plants too frequently. A good way to check whether a plant needs watering is to push your finger about an inch into the soil to see if it is dry.
Most indoor plants require a degree of humidity. Unfortunately, modern heating systems can sometimes make the atmosphere very dry, but there are ways to increase the humidity in your house. Placing plants on trays filled with damp gravel, or simply grouping them together can help.
Some species of plants, such as cacti, thrive in direct sunlight, whereas others, like the aspidistra, prefer low levels of light. In fact, the aspidistra is sometimes known to as the cast-iron plant, as it is one of the toughest varieties of house plants.
Your plants will also need feeding regularly throughout the spring and summer months. The food for plants that are grown primarily for their foliage needs to be high in nitrogen, usually indicated on the container in the letter "N". For flowering plants, look for "K20" which denotes high levels of potash.

Part II.
Are you tired of going to the same seaside resort every summer? Then why not try an agritourism holiday! Agritourism involves visitors staying on farms and experiencing and agricultural way of life. There are a lot of different forms of agritourism, from visitors picking grapes in a vineyard to milking cows on a dairy farm. Generally speaking, most visitors choose agritourism holidays for educational reasons. Most agritourists are urban dwellers, some of whose have never seen farm animals before. Agritourism gives these people the opportunity where the food they eat comes from and how it is produced. So, whether you are looking for a chance to herd cattle on a ranch in Texas or make cheese in an English farmhouse, agritourism might be the answer for your next holiday. Not only is it usually good value but it also supports small farms and the traditional farming way of life.