сторінка 131 вправа 4 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Морська 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Морська

Відповідь до p. 131 ex. 4:

1. Nowadays, people are used to getting what they want when they want it. - true
2. The information we find online is always trustworthy and accessible. - false
3. Problems arise because information is too easy to obtain. - true
4. The kind of information we find is different but the way we receive it has not changed dramatically. - true
5. It is not necessarily a good thing that people watch serious talks about education. - false
6. With technology's help we can take in complex information more easily. - true
7. When it comes to obtaining information, attending events and conferences is something long forgotten. - false