сторінка 243 вправа 3 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Морська 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Морська

Відповідь до p. 243 ex. 3:

1. How far will your brother running by the time he finishes taking part in his third Olympic Games?
a) will your brother have runned
c) will your brother have run
b) will your brother have running
d) will your brother running
2. My mother will have buying a new car by the time I return back from the USA.
a) will have bought
c) will have buying
b) will be bought
d) will be buying
3. Lily will graduating her studies by July this year.
a) will graduating
b) will have graduated
c) will have been graduating
d) will have graduating
4. By the time the Prime Minister of Germanv arrives will you preparing all the required papers?
a) will you have prepared
b) will you preparing

c) will you prepare
d) will you have preparing
5. She will not have read that magazine by the time you get here.
a) won't have reading
c) won't have read
b) will not have read
d) will not have reading
6. My teacher will finished evaluating students' essays by Thursday.
a) will have finishing
c) will finished
b) will have finished
d) will be finishing
7. Anna will have got married with her boyfriend by the time we meet again. She said that they would do it soon.
a) will have got married
c) will getting married
b) will have got marrying
d) will have getting married
8. My cat will have eaten all of his food by the time 1 get home.
a) will have eaten
c) will have eat
b) will have ate
d) will eating
9. How much of your tasks will you have completed by the end of the week?
a) will you be completing
b) will you have completed
c) will you have completing
d) will you completed
10. My brother will have completed his volunteering service abroad by the time I graduate school.
a) will have been completing
b) will have completing
с) will have complete
d) will have completed