сторінка 253 вправа 6 гдз 10 клас англійська мова Морська 2018

10 клас ➠ англійська мова ➠ Морська

Відповідь до p. 253 ex. 6:

1. After the company had hired Joe, he began to work on his first project.
2. Had you heard the news before you saw it on TV?
3. Michael didn't want to see the movie because he hadn’t read the book yet.
4. The concert had begun already when we entered the stadium.
5. Until Anne met Mark, she had been never in love.
6. Bill had smoked for years before he finally quitted.
7. Had Sara driven to London by herself before then?
8. How many fish had the boys caught by the time it started raining?
9. You had forbidden them to go to the beach, hadn't you? (forbid)
10. The girls exercised in weeks? That's why they hurt so much afterwards.