сторінка 114 вправа 4 гдз 11 клас англійська мова Буренко 2019
Відповідь до p. 114 ex. 4:
1. local - g) communities
2. additional - q) facilities
3. to protect - i) animals, birds, plants
4. to respect - j) culture and traditions of other people
5. to take - b) photographs
6. problems of - e) the environmental pollution
7. to face - c) ecological problems
8. to damage - h) infrastructure
9. educational - n) knowledge
10. to make - a) contributions
11. to provide funds for - r) conservation
12. representatives of - s) ecological organisations
13. sanitation - o) water, air and land
14. to pick up - p) rare flowers
15. to pollute - f) the local environment greatly
16. to deepen - t) impact
17. as much - m) as possible
18. an ecological - d) tourism
19. ways of - l) solving ecological problems
20. natural - k) resources