сторінка 100 вправа 7 гдз 11 клас англійська мова Морська 11 рік 2019


Відповідь до p. 100 ex. 7:

1. It's an ancient city. It was founded over 2000 years ago.
2. It's a seaside resort, but we stayed there in the off-season, so it was more like a ghost town. It was absolutely dead!
3. What I like about Amsterdam is how compact it is. I mean, you can walk
round it very easily.
4. It's a huge stretched city - it goes on for miles and miles.
5. She's from some place called Batagal, in a really remote part of Siberia.
6. All around the outskirts of Johannesburg there are these huge sprawling shanty towns. They'are really rough. They are like complete no-go areas for the police.
7. It's a nice place. It's just a deprived little provincial town where nothing much ever really happens.
8. As you come across the Brooklyn Bridge, the Manhattan skyline is just incredible - all those skyscrapers everywhere! It's really exciting.
9. It's a very poor area - one of the most run-down, residential areas of the city.