сторінка 107 вправа 1 гдз 11 клас англійська мова Морська 11 рік 2019


Відповідь до p. 107 ex. 1:

1. c  2. a  3. b  4. b

1. The Private Rooms are open from Warn to 2pm to people with membership cards.
a) Anyone can visit the private rooms from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
b) You can get your membership cards from the Private Rooms between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
c) Only members can visit the Private Rooms from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
2. a) The trip to London will take place on a different day.
b) The group leader cannot go on the trip of Saturday.
c) Miriam will not be able to visit London at the weekend.
3. If you lake this journey regularly, you can save money І with our Super Weekly Saver Ticket.
a) You need a special type of ticket if you travel regularly.
b) The Super Weekly Saver ticket can help all travellers to save money.
c) Cheaper tickets are available for people who travel often.
4. No table service. Please choose a table number before ordering your food at the bar. Pay for your food when you order.
What should people at the restaurant do first?
a) Go to the bar
b) Find a table
c) Pay for their food