сторінка 196 вправа 7 гдз 11 клас англійська мова Морська 11 рік 2019


Відповідь до p. 196 ex. 7:

1. She had a promising career ahead of her, but it was completely ruined by her friend, who was basically jealous of her success, and persuaded her to give up it all and stay at home.
2. A lot of women sacrifice their careers to start a family and allow their husbands to continue to hinder theirs. I wonder if it ever happens the other way round.
3. He's very ambitious, but his career has been pursued a little by a lack of opportunity. He probably needs move on to a different company.
4. I don't really know what I want to do. I'm not one of those people who have their careers all changed in careful detail by the age of twenty-one.
5. It's much more common to map out careers today than it was for my parents' generation.
6. I did quite a few different jobs before embarked on a career in teaching.