сторінка 21 вправа 3 гдз 11 клас англійська мова Морська 11 рік 2019


Відповідь до p. 21 ex. 3:

A) Complete each statement.

1. The parents are worried because their daughter wants to move into their home.

a) wants to move into their home
b) doesn't want to leave their home
c) wants to move away from their home
d) doesn't want to come home

2. According to Armin, most North Americans expect children to move out of their parents' home when they reach the age of eighteen.

a) reach the age of eighteen
b) find a job
c) finish college
d) get married

Choose the correct answers (more than one).

1. What are the reasons adult children are moving back home?

a) They don't have jobs.
b) They get divorced.
c) They can't afford housing.
d) They feel good about living with their parents.
e) They want to depend on their parents.

2. What are Mr. Brott's suggestions to the father?

a) to sell his house and go traveling
b) to discuss chores at home
c) to ask his daughter
d) to find a job
e) to try to understand his daughter
f) to not worry too much about his daughter