сторінка 80 вправа 5 гдз 11 клас англійська мова Морська 11 рік 2019


Відповідь до p. 80 ex. 5:

1. c  2. c  3. d  4. b  5. d

1. The increase in book clubs has occurred mainly because they cater for people from a variety of backgrounds.
a) perform a social function.
b) fulfil an intellectual need.
c) cater for people from a variety of backgrounds.
d) solve the social problems of the participants.
2. The number of people who read for pleasure in the UK ensures there will always be a pool of readers to supply book clubs.
a) shows that the Internet has some benefits.
b) means that the cost of books will be kept down.
c) ensures there will always be a pool of readers to supply book clubs.
d) means that cinemas and theatres are losing money.
3. Which of the following best describes most book groups mentioned by the writer?
a) restrictive
b) formal
c) small
d) informal
4. Books for discussion in groups are dependent on member preference.
a) restricted to one type.
b) dependent on member preference.
c) limited to several different authors.
d) dependent on the chairperson's reading list.
5. The writer of the article thinks that the variety of book clubs will increase.
a) book clubs have a certain future.
b) book clubs will expand slowly but surely.

c) book clubs may not survive.
d) the variety of book clubs will increase.