Page 108 гдз 7 клас англійська мова Морська Кучма 3 рік навчання


Page 108

Exercise 2
Match the words with their definitions. Use the dictionary if necessary. / Установіть відповідність між словами та їх визначеннями. За потреби скористайтеся словником.

1. cruel – c) making someone suffer or feel unhappy
2. fair – h) treating everyone in a way that is right or equal
3. unfair – j) able to tell lies in order to get what they want
4. arroganl – a) behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people
5. modest – i) not wanting to talk about one's abilities or achievements
6. shy – g) embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people
7. easy-going – d) not easily upset, worried or annoyed
8. deceitful – l) not right or fair
9. cunning – m) clever but dishonest and unfair
10. reliable – k) able to be trusted or depended on
11. inventive – f) able to think of new, different and interesting ideas
12. selfish – e) caring only about yourself, not about other people
13. curious – b) wanting to know about something